Traditional / Flexible Dentures
Flexible dentures have many advantages over traditional dentures. While traditional dentures are more cost effective, are removable, and look great. However they can cause discomfort, problems talking, and other related issues.
New technology has allowed for a more comfortable and effective long-term solution. That is why we recommend flexible dentures to patients seeking a new smile.
Flexible dentures are an excellent option because they are comfortable and look more natural. The materials we use will contour to the natural shape of your mouth, which eliminates the need for metal clasps that traditional dentures require. They are designed to not only look real, but also match the color of surrounding mouth tissue. Flexible dentures make it easier to chew and speak, maintain the natural shape of your face, make chewing easier, prevent the teeth from shifting, and decrease the long-term risk of gum disease.
Good oral hygiene is a requirement in maintaining your dentures. They need to be cleaned and soaked regularly. It is also recommended that you rinse them after every meal. Brushing is not a recommended cleaning practice because of the excessive wear and tear. However, it is highly recommended that you regularly brush and floss your natural teeth as well as keep your dentures well maintained.